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Gamma interferon release assays for diagnosis of tuberculosis infection in immune-compromised children in a country in which the prevalence of tuberculosis is low.




Children have a higher risk than adults of developing severe active tuberculosis (TB), and this risk further increases in patients undergoing long-term immune-suppressive therapies, including treatment with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-??) blockers (12). In this setting, detection of TB infection may be difficult due to high rates of falsely negative results of tuberculin skin testing (TST) (2). Blood tests detecting gamma interferon (IFN-??) release by effector memory T cells stimulated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens are currently available (8, 13). They rely on the use of two region-of-difference (RD-1)-encoded genes, namely, ESAT-6 and CFP-10.A total of 80 consecutive Italian human immunodeficiency virus-negative immune-compromised children were enrolled. Demographics and clinical characteristics of the study population are reported in Table ???Table1.1. The diagnostic preliminaries included a physical examination, routine blood tests, a chest X-ray, TST, and IGRAs. A cutoff value of 5 mm was chosen to represent a positive TST result for all cases (1). Performance and data analysis of TS-TB and QFT-IT were realized according to the instructions of the manufacturers. Spot-forming cells were counted with an automated ELISPOT reader (AID Systems, Strassberg, Germany). IFN-?? concentrations (expressed in international units per milliliter) were measured with an automated ELISA reader. IGRAs were performed by highly specialized laboratory staff with more than 3 years of experience in the field. The local Ethics Committee approved the study, and the patients or their parents provided oral consent.TST and QFT-IT gave a positive result for one (1.2%) patient, while a significantly higher (9.4%) proportion of cases were positive by TS-TB (P = 0.02). Mean analytical TS-TB and QFT-IT results are shown in Table ???Table22 and Table ???Table3.3. The rate of TS-TB-positive results was higher for patients affected by rheumatic diseases compared with patients who had undergone a liver transplant (5/19 [26.3%] versus 2/54 [4%]; P = 0.01) and for patients treated with TNF-?? blockers compared with those receiving other medications (4/15 [26.6%] versus 3/59 [5.1%]; P = 0.026). TS-TB and QFT-IT yielded a high number of indeterminate results (13.5% and 20%, respectively; P = 0.3). IGRA result agreement was found in 62.1% of cases (?? = 0; P = 0.6). Excluding indeterminate results, IGRA agreement with TST was poor (?? = ???0.028 [P = 0.89] for TS-TB and ?? = ???0.016 [P = 0.89] for QFT-IT). IGRA performance was not associated with age, gender, blood leukocyte count, or treatment duration. No active TB cases were detected during the whole study period (median follow-up, 12 months).
机译:儿童患严重活动性结核病的风险要比成人高,而接受长期免疫抑制疗法(包括使用肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)阻断剂的患者)的患病风险进一步增加(12)。在这种情况下,由于结核菌素皮肤检测(TST)假阴性结果的发生率很高,因此很难检测到结核感染(2)。目前可用血液检测来检测由结核分枝杆菌抗原刺激的效应记忆T细胞释放的γ干扰素(IFN-γ)(8、13)。他们依靠两个差异区域(RD-1)编码的基因,即ESAT-6和CFP-10,总共招募了80名连续的意大利人类免疫缺陷病毒阴性免疫受损儿童。表1.1列出了研究人群的人口统计学和临床​​特征。诊断初步包括身体检查,常规血液检查,胸部X光,TST和IGRA。对于所有情况(1),选择5mm的截止值代表TST阳性。根据制造商的说明实现了TS-TB和QFT-IT的性能和数据分析。用自动ELISPOT读取器(AID Systems,斯特拉斯堡,德国)对斑点形成细胞进行计数。干扰素浓度(以国际单位每毫升表示)使用自动ELISA读数器测量。 IGRA由具有3年以上现场经验的高度专业化的实验室人员进行。当地伦理委员会批准了该研究,患者或他们的父母提供了口头同意.TST和QFT-IT对1名患者(1.2%)给出了阳性结果,而TS阳性的病例比例显着更高(9.4%) -TB(P = 0.02)。表22和表3.3表示平均分析TS-TB和QFT-IT结果。风湿性疾病患者的TS-TB阳性率高于接受肝移植的患者(5/19 [26.3%]比2/54 [4%]; P = 0.01)和患者用TNF-α治疗与接受其他药物治疗的患者相比(4/15 [26.6%]对3/59 [5.1%]; P = 0.026)。 TS-TB和QFT-IT产生了大量不确定的结果(分别为13.5%和20%; P = 0.3)。在62.1%的案例中发现了IGRA结果一致性(Δ= 0; P = 0.6)。排除不确定的结果,IGRA与TST的一致性较差(TS-TB的Δε= 0.028 [P = 0.89],而QFT-IT的Δε= 0.016 [P = 0.89])。 IGRA表现与年龄,性别,白血球计数或治疗时间无关。在整个研究期间(中位随访期为12个月),未发现活动性结核病例。



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